Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Be at Peace

I went to church tonight for the kids' faith formation and spent some time in the adoration chapel. I had never done this. It was so great. I decided that I would say a rosary for my kids. Tomorrow is the day we talk to them about the divorce. Ugh!!

I was in the adoration chapel and I was trying very hard to hear from God. It is very hard for me and I struggle with it. My mind wanders, or I just feel that I can’t hear from him directly when I pray. I feel my conversations are very one-sided with him. After the rosary I just sat there, cleared my mind, and I felt so peaceful. I literally felt a warm embrace. I felt that I was being squeezed by a huge hug – I know that God was putting his arms around me. What I heard was “Be at peace. Rest.” I kept repeating it to myself, the whole way home.

Be at peace. I am also working on that. I think that what that means is verification that I am doing a good job. Be at peace with the decisions I make and the things I do right now. Be at peace with my life as it is right this very moment. OK.
Then…rest. I don’t have to do it all. I don’t have to take on everything and do it all to perfection. I can rest. Literally and metaphorically. I can just BE.

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